Monday, July 02, 2007

It has been a long time since any posting activity. In 2005 I took a job back in the engineering world managing a group that makes blood collection sets. It was fun and enjoyable, but a long commute was really not working with our family and it didn't jive with my belief in ELP (Economize, Localize, Produce) as how to live in accord with a post Peak Oil world. I have avidly followed the PO debate on ever since it was a smaller blog and I believe the evidence clearly points to us being either post peak now or at the bumpy top of the peak.

I've been doing a lot of thinking, reflecting, and meditating on how I should get my life back in closer alignment to my values and beliefs. Listening to Caroline Myss' latest book, "Entering the Castle" helped push me over the edge of thinking into action. What I did was resign from my job as engineering manager, walking away from a re-started professional career and the associated six-figure income and benefits. I didn't decide this lightly, and it took a week of thoughtful discussions with my wife to come to this conclusion. I gave 4 weeks notice so as to smoothly transition others to pickup what I will be leaving unfinished, and come August I will be once again a "home husband'. Unlike last time I did the "stay-at-home" gig, this time it will be consciously chosen, and I plan to do all the simpler small tasks of feeding, maintaining and organizing our life with a contemplative spiritual intent and awareness.

Thus begins a new chapter in my life and one big step toward really living the ELP model. I'll start back with more frequent posts, and will move away from the anxiety producing world event reporting that I last was turning to. Look for more updates beginning in August...

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